Tag: stitcher and first-hand positions
Lisa Howaniec
Chicago Based, she/her/hers, BFA Costume Design and Technology from The Theatre School at DePaul University, MA Costume Making from The Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts (in progress), Seeking assistant designer positions, freelance work, stitcher and first-hand positions, American, will travel (currently located in Liverpool England getting Masters Degree)
Lucy Elkin
Chicago Based, will travel, Stitcher, Embroidery, seeking associate positions, interested in musicals, interested in immersive work, interested in realism and non realism, seeking full time position, seeking freelance work, interested in Shakespeare work, Puerto Rican, she/her/hers, BFA, lgbt, Willing to travel, stitcher and first-hand positions, LGBTQ+, seeking costume design positions, bisexual, costume storage, costume designer, dying, needlework, patterning, chiacgo based, will trave