2021 Festival Group 1
Group 1 – The Enchantment by Victoria Benedictsson; adapted by Clare Bayley
Director: Holly Robison (she/her); holly.j.robison@gmail.com; Director Portfolio
Costume Design: Frances Maggio (she/her); fmaggio@colum.edu; https://www.colum.edu/academics/faculty/detail/frances-maggio.html
Set Design: Richard Hoover (he/him); rmurlin@earthlink.net; https://www.richardhooverdesign.com/
Lighting Design: Eric Van Tassell (he/him); evt.vantassell@gmail.com; http://evtlights.com/
Genre: Play
Brief synopsis: Louise Strandberg moves from Scandinavia to Paris, where she meets and begins an obsessive, destructive love affair with the artist Gustave Alland. Struggling against the expectations of women both in this new bohemian world and her provincial home, Louise falls under an enchantment that inevitably compels her to escape a life she cannot bear.
Brief quote: “…the spendlour of the troll world casts a spell on her and, once she’s seen it, she’s always longing to get back to it. That’s how I feel. I’ve been bewitched by a world which isn’t mine.”