2021 Festival Group 24
Group 24 – Mr. Burns: A Post-Electric Play by Anne Washburn
Tyler Richards Hewes, Director; He/Him/His; tylerrichardshewes.com; hewes.tyler@gmail.com
Adam Parrocha, Set Designer; He/Him/His; www.adamparrocha.com; adamparrocha@gmail.com
Faith James, Costume Designer; She/Her/Hers; https://faicreative101.wixsite.com/portfolio; faicreative101@gmail.com
Genre: Play
Synopsis: An apocalyptic event (possibly a pandemic) has brought about the collapse of civilization and some survivors turn to The Simpsons as a glue to hold them together. At first they share quotes from the show, eventually staging full episodes, then, 75 years later, turning episodes into religious-like pageants, uniting humanity through story and theatre.
Brief Quote:
BURNS: What, never?
BART drives a sword into BURNS. He registers it, although not quite as much as you’d think he would.
Kill me now Bart Simson yes kill me all you like but don’t be surprised when you and I meet again I’m never leaving I don’t go away I’m here for a hundred years I’m hear for a thousand years a hundred thousand a million I will be here Bart Simpson for Forever!