2021 Festival Group 19
Group 19 – The Muckle Man by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa
Brent Ervin-Eickhoff (he/him) | www.brentasmagoria.com | bdeickhoff@gmail.com
Kyle Cunningham (he/him) | https://kylecunninghamdesign.com/ | kylecunningham81@gmail.com
Alyssa Mohn (she/her) | www.alyssamohn.com | mohnalyssa@gmail.com
Genre: Play
Addison, a marine biologist, desperately pursues the ocean’s most elusive creature—Architeuthis, the giant squid—while his estranged wife Marina freezes by degrees following her son’s drowning. The family’s grief and isolation seem bottomless, until a man named Arthur walks out of the ocean and into their lives—and the order of the natural world starts to collapse around them.
“You’re afraid of what you don’t understand. You’re afraid of what your wife thinks when she looks at me. You’re afraid of what your family owes me. You took something that belongs to me. To the ocean.” —Arthur Campbell, Act 2, Scene 1