Tag: Assistant Lighting Designer
Madeline M. Scott
Chicago Based, will travel, Milwaukee based, Minneapolis native, Seattle experience, Miami experience, Stage Manager, Assistant Lighting Designer, BA, Stage Managers Association, EMC, Production Manager, seeking ALD work, she/her/her, Vectorworks, LGBTQ+, Dance, TYA, Musical Theatre, Young Performer Supervisor, Fly rail operation, Qlab, Red Cross Certified, conversational Spanish, Zoom, Seeking AEA work, Spectacle
Molly Cornell
Chicago Based, Scenic Painting, seeking associate positions, seeking assistant positions, interested in musicals, interested in realism and non realism, seeking full time position, seeking freelance work, Lighting Designer, interested in original work and new play development, Scenic Design, scenic artist, scenic charge, interested in original work, lgbt, Scenic Designer, Female, Design Assistant, Assistant Lighting Designer