2021 Festival Group 16
Group 16 水の駅 Mizu no Eki (The Water Station) by 太田省吾 Ota Shogo (trans. Mari Boyd)
Kyle Stoffers (he/him), kylestoffers.com, kyle.stoffers@gmail.com
Hayden Penn (he/him), haydenpenn.com, hpenndesign@gmail.com
Ben Argenta Kress (he/him), benargentakress.com, benargentakress@gmail.com
Genre: Play/ Movement or Devised/ Site Specific (potentially)
水の駅 Mizu no Eki (The Water Station) is a play without words by 太田省吾 Ota Shogo. During the course of the play we see 18 travellers traversing the stage in a movement technique known as “slow tempo.” They interact with the scene and other travellers on a wasteland featuring a dripping water spigot and a heap of junk left behind by others.
“The girl stops the face turns to the watering place
The finely running water
The delicate sound of water
To the watering place the girl descends”